
Showing posts from March 18, 2017

The Only Revolution

The Only Revolution By Wallace Huey, Co-Founder of Trans4mind Ltd Our humanity lies in our capacity to express the values of love, kindness and compassion - these are the values of the Human Heart. Our commitment at Trans4mind is to make these values visible in our families, communities, charities, organizations and businesses. Nearly everyone wants to be more caring - what's missing is a training that will empower each person to bring these values of the heart into everything they do and to enable them to meet the challenges of life with loving kindness. Many people don't realize the direct, intimate and immediate connection between a person's inner world, how they think and feel and the values they hold, and the way they express themselves and create the world around them, and how we can all be trained to recognize these values in our heart and to express them in our life. The Only Revolution We all look out at the state of our planet and wish it could b


INSIDE-OUT Blog of Trans4mind founders, Peter Shepherd & Wallace Huey, plus the team of Trans4mind Coaches There is a direct, intimate and immediate connection between a person's inner world, how they think and feel and the values they hold, and the way they express themselves and create the world around them. We can recognize the values we hold in our heart and express them in our life. We can create our world inside-out. The heart made visible. In this blog, Peter Shepherd and Wallace Huey - alongside Trans4mind's team of Life Coaches - post videos, articles and audios to illustrate how a beneficial change of consciousness can be accomplished from the inside out. With actions sourced through inner guidance, we can find peace, abundance and fulfillment and, as a consequence, positively influence our families, place of work and environment.